°µÍø¸£Àû has helped lift Melbourne's famed Stokehouse restaurant out of the ashes of a devastating fire in 2014 to become Australia's first 5 Star Green Star building of its kind. The new two-level building is now home to a refreshed and larger Stokehouse restaurant, casual dining space Pontoon and beachside fish and chip kiosk, Paper Fish in St Kilda.

The contemporary rebuild is at the forefront of low-carbon emission construction as the first Victorian venue to showcase °µÍø¸£Àû's ENVISIA® lower carbon concrete.

In addition to reduced carbon and strength benefits, ENVISIA's® light colour, and excellent off form finish were well-suited to the exposed columns and slabs used in the design and expected to extend durability of the building to more than 100 years.

ENVISIA® can enable the design of large slabs with fewer or no joints as a lower carbon concrete. At the Stokehouse, using ENVISIA® resulted in a reduction in the volume of steel reinforcement and concrete required for the construction of inverted suspended slabs. ENVISIA® was also used in the building's columns. ENVISIA® is also ideal for marine environments.

Use of ENVISIA® also assisted our client meet Government environmental and sustainability requirements for developing Crown land.

In addition to using ENVISIA® concrete to reduce the structure's carbon impact, the Stokehouse's innovations in sustainability include using copper pipes to heat and cool the restaurant, a detergent-free washing system and composting food scraps for donation to community gardens.

Find out more about ENVISIA® concrete

"The most exciting thing about the Stokehouse is the fact that we’ve managed to make it as environmentally friendly as we possibly can"

Frank Van Haandel