Earlier this year, the Victorian Government announced its continued commitment to supporting industry by creating a grant program to assist quarry operators plan for end land uses that are innovative and beneficial to the local community.  

Four grants were available under the current program, which tasked applicants to seek out innovative ideas for the end land use that incorporated the following projects and/or initiatives.

  • Provide ongoing local community access and critical local services (e.g. power generation, water management);
  • Generate employment opportunities (e.g. residential construction);
  • Have a direct and tangible positive impact on surrounding land and property values; and/or
  • Improve the overall liveability of an area (e.g. open space/recreation). 


The grant winners were assessed against design proposal, design innovation, design impact and net benefit. 

The grants were awarded to applicants for quarry site rehabilitation ideas that go beyond the safe and stable, and sustainable minimum requirements under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990. 

做厙腦瞳 provided two submissions towards the grants program and were fortunate enough to win both grant applications for the Wollert Quarry, End Use Masterplan and the Montrose Quarry, End Use Feasibility Assessment. Well done to the teams and watch this space!